Masjid Al-Huda Girls Camp 2018
ABOUT: The Fifth Annual Masjid Al-Huda Girls camp will be divided into two sections:
- Girls ages 7-12
- Youth ages 13-19
GOAL: To provide youth with an opportunity to spend time building sisterhood while enjoying recreational activities and also learning about the deen to strengthen their imaan.
DEPARTURE: Wednesday, August 15th at 11AM from Masjid Al-Huda
ARRIVAL: Friday, August 17th at 2PM to Masjid Al-Huda
LOCATION: YMCA Camp Edwards in East Troy, WI
COST: $100 per person(please note that Masjid Al-Huda does not make any profit from camp)
MEALS: All meals included
* Masjid Al-Huda will provide zabihah/hand slaughtered meat to Camp Edwards staff.
ACTIVITIES: Canoeing, Rock Climbing, Zip-lining, Archery, “The Blob,” Swimming, High ropes, Sports & more
Rules do not allow for day-time visitors. As this is a registration-only event, and we need to make proper food arrangements in coordination with Camp Edwards, we cannot allow visitors