Al-Huda Funeral Home


Alhamdulillah, by the grace and mercy of Allah (SWT), Masjid Al-Huda has established Milwaukee Muslim Funeral Home, the first Muslim funeral home in the greater Milwaukee area. Al-Huda Funeral Home is located at 6644 West Fairview Avenue, Milwaukee, WI. Milwaukee Muslim Funeral Home works in conjunction with the local Masaajid as well as local cemeteries (Arlington Park Cemetery on 27th St and Howard Ave & Wisconsin Memorial Park on 130th St and Capitol Dr.) and Green Burial at Forest Home Cemetery (2405 W Forest Home Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53215) to ensure that our loved one receives the best care.


The funeral home arranges funerals only for community members from affiliated Masajid (mosques). Please contact your respective Masjid (mosque) administration for arrangements insha’Allah:

Contact the Al-Huda Funeral Home to ensure a plot of land is available at the respective cemetery. You may contact (414) 800-2455 OR (414) 439-5990.

After completing these steps, the Funeral Home will procure the body of the deceased and work in coordination with other organizations and the cemetery to ensure a proper ghusl (bath) is given to the deceased and deliver the body to the mosque of your choice in the Milwaukee area, where the janaza will be held prior to taking the body for burial. 

The funeral home provides:
1) Picking up the body from place of death/Medical Examiner’s office.
2) Storage of the body at the funeral home.
3) Preparing the body by performing ghusl (bath) and shrouding according to Islamic rituals.
4) Transportation of the body to a local masjid for janaza and local cemetery for the burial.

Please fill out the following two forms to apply for Muslim Funeral Home services and to obtain a death certificate:

Funeral Application Form


Masjid Al-Huda’s portion of the funeral services are free of cost, but a $1200 donation is suggested to help us offset any costs, as Masjid Al-Huda is a non-profit organization. Checks should be made out to “Masjid Al-Huda.”

The cost of land and burial will be determined by the affiliated Org and the selected cemetery and needs to be paid to the respective organizations.

Additional information

Please note that the Al-Huda Funeral Home does not:

1) Perform embalming services.
2) Offer shipping services of the deceased to another state or different country.

For any questions, please contact or call (414) 800-2455